Monday, October 21, 2013

So as I journey on with the new blog... today packaged up yummy kale chips (thank you Steve Benson for being such a loyal fan!!!)

And am trying out recipes for my Holiday Baskets this year... so today, I made some Peanut Butter Biscotti drizzled with Chocolate... The house smelled amazing and I have to say, they taste pretty very good!
I left some of the leftover bits for my friend Diana, as a thank you- she's the one that has inspired and helped me to get this blog going... Thank you so much Diana!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Just starting out and having fun

I've decided that it's time to have my own blog!

I want to express my experiences in Sedona, in the kitchen, in my massage room, and life in it's glory!

Stay tuned and play with me!